The Hell We Created...

Do all of you… Remember those old apple jacks commercial… I’m obsessed with them I watch them all the time… I have a VHS it had black sharpie marker, “Apple Jacks” on it… I decided to play it… Strangely it started with the one where apple and cinnamon got stuck instead when they crash…
It reveals a photo-realistic corpse with blood splattered everywhere a dialogue appears “eye balls where not found, victim was smashed together, victims where brought to hospital… …but… Found dead” I was disturbed and it played again except it showed a hyper realistic apple and cinnamon corpse with Dr. drab standing over his deed…
He spoke “You never loved us… You abandoned us…. You are the hell we created… You killed squidward…. Made Mickey die, made ed and edd die too… This is hell we created… You killed the air monks… You made “IT” he’s after us… Destroy the tape damned person!!” I took a hammer and smashed the tape only to hear hushed whispers.. Stop making these… Things… Look what you have done… The hell we created… Tomorrow the town next…?